Mixed Ability Group Yoga Classes

You can book and pay for mixed ability group yoga classes on the GuildfordYoga Timetable page. All classes are suitable for beginners and seasoned yogi’s alike. Find out more about class content and structure below.

Class days and times

General Mixed Ability Classes
Mondays:  6.30-7.45pm
Tuesdays: 9.45-11am
Tuesdays: 7.00-8.15pm
Wednesday: 6.30-7.45pm
Thursdays: 9.45-11am

Restorative Mixed Ability Classes
Thursdays: 7.15-8.30pm

About the Mixed Ability classes

General classes are designed to improve health and fitness – with an emphasis on strong, physical Hatha yoga postures (asanas). Poses are either held for 30 seconds to 1 minute to develop strength, stamina and attention, or poses are linked in flowing sequences to develop grace and flexibility. We pay close attention to body alignment to make sure you practice safely and achieve maximum benefit. These classes also introduce yoga breathing (pranayama), relaxation and meditation.

Restorative mixed ability classes include pranayama (yoga breathing) to restore energy levels, therapeutic yoga exercises to restore joint mobility and flexibility, yin yoga postures to reduce deeply held muscle tension and to restore healthy physical alignment. These classes help to promote physical, mental and emotional health.

Find out more about my unique teaching style and learn why yoga is so good for you.

Feel free to contact me directly if you would like to discuss any personal requirements or concerns prior to attending your first class.

“… Have to say I love the Thursday evening (Holistic Yoga) session. Seems good for the body and soul. So thank you.” – Carmen

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